It’s been almost a year since I wrote my inaugural declaration of independence from fiat… and it’s been crickets ever since. Sorry about that. My summer resolution is to post at least once per week. Baby steps.
Why have I been gone so long?
My stated mission of debunking FUD seems to be handled by a bunch of really smart people who actually do this for a living. Rather than reinventing that particular wheel, I think it makes more sense to distill and aggregate that into a knowledge base, like Wikipedia.
Where’s this knowledge base you speak of?
Well, see, I’ve actually been prototyping something much more grand. And probably impossible. So… it’s not ready yet.
What’s next?
I’m getting my shit together to work on the third and most important mission of all: To save as many people as possible from the hell of currency debasement.
How? Here are my ideas for what to deliver to you, fair reader:
Define the problem
In plain English, spell out the real-world harms that central bankers inflict on everybody through fiat.Take back the language!
“Inflation” is when the government creates new dollars. A “bubble” is when asset prices rise to irrational levels because investors try to stay ahead of the government money-printer. And isn’t it a “ponzi-scheme” to issue trillions of dollars in new debt just to pay off old debt…?Share the vision of our Bitcoin future
Government control over currency is the most powerful, most entrenched monopoly power of all time. Now that power has been wrested away, permanently. What will happen in the absence of heretofore ubiquitous government theft? We will witness a glorious flourishing of civilization unmatched in all of history.
Since I’m still new to this, I figured I should ask you:
(No, I’m not about to ask you to pay for a subscription. That requires honest work, which I have yet to deliver.)